Thursday 13 August 2020

Avoiding Unsafe Cleaning Habits | Maid to Shine | Your Best & Local House Cleaning Colorado Springs

After the outbreak of COIVD-19, keeping our homes sanitary and clean has been high on the priority list for many of us. In early March, cleaning products flew off the shelf, and it seemed as if everyone everywhere was keenly aware of the need to keep our homes sanitised and clean.

But in the rush to keep our homes clean, protect our loved ones from sickness, and prevent the spread of COVID-19, it’s still important that we don’t form unsafe habits while using household cleaners. Household cleaners can be misused, even though they do provide essential cleaning power. What is the answer then? Cleaning the surfaces in our home, regularly, seems to be a good idea— if not incredibly important. But how do we prevent viruses like COVID in our homes without exposing ourselves to the risks of chemical cleaners?

Use Cleaning Products Responsibly

It is very possible to risk our health by using cleaning products incorrectly. In a survey taken by the CDC, it was revealed that 39% of adults in the U.S. (intending to prevent COVID-19) were using cleaning products incorrectly, unhealthily, and even dangerously. In many instances, the cleaners were being ingested, inhaling the vapours, or misting their body with the cleaners. Careless handling of chemical cleaners can cause a great deal of damage to a person’s lungs or skin; but with a great deal of care, these cleaners don’t have to harm you or anyone in your home at all.

Of course, at Maid to Shine, we always recommend using 100% natural and safe cleaners. The health risks that come from using chemical, household cleaners are one of the many reasons why we highly recommend using all natural, green products.

However, if you decide to use any sort of chemical cleaner, take plenty of extra precautions to keep yourself as healthy as possible!

  • be sure there is plenty of ventilation in the room where you are cleaning.
  • use disposable gloves when handling something with the cleaner on it
  • never ingest a chemical cleaner
  • do not use chemical cleaners to sanitise your person
  • or switch to safe, all-natural cleaners

Using chemical cleaners safely is definitely a hassle and a hazard, and it’s easy to see why Maid to Shine recommends all-natural cleaners!

Consider Green Alternatives

If you’re concerned about the risks that chemical, household cleaners pose to your health, you don’t have to compromise. You can safely sanitise your home without exposing yourself to dangerous chemicals, and while using them you don’t have to take the extra precautions like you would if using chemical cleaners! Green, all-natural cleaners are a viable alternative. Green products are a great sanitising option, and the good news is that they really do work! If you don’t know whether or not a product is actually all natural and safe, look for the Green Seal logo. The Green Seal is a non-profit organisation whose main goal is to help customers determine whether or not the products they use are officially, 100% green and all-natural. Looking for the seal, or run a quick Google search of the product to see if Green Seal approves it.

While protecting yourself from COVID, safety is paramount—both in avoiding the virus and in keeping yourself safe from harmful chemicals. A little bit of forethought, extra precaution, and extra sanitising can keep your family healthy and well.

The post Avoiding Unsafe Cleaning Habits appeared first on Maid to Shine | Your Best & Local House Cleaning Colorado Springs.

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