Thursday 20 August 2020

Cleaning Your Lightbulbs is a Bright Idea! | Maid to Shine | Your Best & Local House Cleaning Colorado Springs

There are always extra little things we can do around the house. Cleaning these little things make a huge difference, and it gives our homes an extra shine. There’s no end to the extra upkeep and those extra touches that we can use to up our cleaning game.

So, what about lightbulbs? They can definitely be a magnet for dust, and if they collect dust for too long, they can look unsightly.

Clean Your Lightbulbs Once a Year

Cleaning the lightbulbs in your home at least once a year can benefit the cleanliness of your home. While it’s a very small item to check off the spring-cleaning list, the effort can still make a difference in a room. Here are a few things to gather for cleaning your home’s lightbulbs.

  • several clean rags
  • an all-natural cleaner
  • a clean microfibre

Important Things to Remember when Cleaning Lightbulbs:

  • clean lightbulbs during the day while there is plenty of daylight
  • never spray cleaner on a hot lightbulb

These two tips go hand in hand. Spraying cleaner on a warm or hot bulb risks the bulb popping and causing injury. This is why we recommend cleaning with plenty of light. Only clean the lightbulbs in your home while there is natural lighting for you to see by. If the room with the lightbulbs you are cleaning has very little natural light, bring in an extra light to aid you. And if someone has previously been in the room with the lights on for a lengthy amount of time, shut off the lights and let them cool down completely before beginning.

Once you’re ready to start, bring all of your supplies to the bulbs you intend to clean. Spray the lightbulbs with just enough spray to loosen the baked-on dust. If it needs to sit for a few minutes to soak, give it the right amount of time. Then, you can take one of your clean rags and begin to gently wipe the dust from the surface of the lightbulb. Wipe off all of the dust, and then use the microfiber to polish and dry the lightbulb. It’s that easy!

Cleaning lightbulbs is one of the quickest and simplest tasks when it comes to our spring-cleaning list. So, take a few minutes out of your day, and wipe down those lightbulbs!

The post Cleaning Your Lightbulbs is a Bright Idea! appeared first on Maid to Shine | Your Best & Local House Cleaning Colorado Springs.

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