Thursday 31 December 2020

New Year’s Cleaning Resolutions | Maid to Shine | Your Best & Local House Cleaning Colorado Springs

What better to sweep out the metaphorical cobwebs of the old year than with a New Year’s Cleaning Resolution? Give your home a fresh, new start with the New Year by creating your own, New Year’s resolution for cleaning your home!

A New Year’s Cleaning Resolution Check List

You don’t have to follow these tips perfectly. They’re more like guidelines, and you tailor these guidelines to suit your needs. Anything from time, schedule, detail, etc. can be easily adjusted to whatever you need from your cleaning resolution.

So, where’s the best place to begin with a New Year’s Cleaning Resolution?

1. Begin your Cleaning Resolution by outlining a cleaning schedule: no-one knows your time constraints, household cleaning needs, etc. better than you do. You know when you leave for work, come home; when family members are home; who can help at what time, etc. The best way to begin forming a plan and goal for your personalised cleaning resolution is to take into account all of the factors that play into your needs. Every cleaning schedule can be set to fit your time constraints.

2. Assess what your home’s cleaning needs are: is it messy? Cluttered? Or already well kept and organised? This will help you determine how much time to schedule and how regularly cleanings should be done. Typically, scheduling time at least once a week for cleaning is a good place to begin!

3. If you have children, enlist their help: don’t take the cleaning resolution on by yourself. Bringing kids into the New Year’s Resolutions is great for many different reasons. It helps make the resolution a little more permanent when the cleaning becomes a family project. It helps them learn to be team players with other family members, as everyone works to clean the home. It teaches them valuable life skills. The chores can be suited to each child’s ability, and it’s helpful for giving them structure and pride in a job well done. They’ll find fulfilment in contributing to the home’s upkeep!

4. Stick with the resolution until it becomes more than a habit: this final step might be one of the most important parts of this resolution. Persevering is the absolute, best way to ensure that your New Year’s resolution to keep up a clean home succeeds! Doing it, sticking to it—even when it isn’t fun or we don’t feel like it—really is the key to successfully accomplishing a resolution. And after a while, the habit becomes so easy and quick, it won’t be a struggle to see it through regularly.

These four, simple steps make it easy to win the cleaning resolution game!

The post New Year’s Cleaning Resolutions appeared first on Maid to Shine | Your Best & Local House Cleaning Colorado Springs.

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