Thursday 7 January 2021

How to Get Kids Cleaning | Maid to Shine | Your Best & Local House Cleaning Colorado Springs

One of the big questions of being a parent is how, when, or if you should get your kids to help with the cleaning chores around the house. Should parents expect kids to help with cleaning? And if so, when? Enlisting the help of our kids can be a great asset to a household’s cleaning routine, and it’s definitely worth the consideration! It can be a creative, positive process.

Creative Tips for Getting the Kids Involved with Cleaning Chores

Possibly, we remember doing chores and helping with cleaning around the house as kids. It might be something we dreaded or didn’t enjoy much, but it doesn’t mean we can’t find creative ways to make it a positive experience for our kids. Our kids are a vital part of our household, and it’s helpful and healthy for every member of the family to contribute to the upkeep of the home. So, how does it look getting kids involved in cleaning the home?

*Delegate Cleaning Chores Appropriate for Their Age: obviously a two-year-old can’t wash dishes, change out laundry, or scrub a toilet. But it doesn’t mean they can’t be involved from an early start. Even if they’re simply observing you sweep the floor, you can guide their hands to sweep up the pile of debris. They can help you toss it into the garbage, too! They can “help” folding wash cloths. This helps them develop a sense that they are a part of what you’re doing. As they get older, you can gradually involve them with other cleaning chores as they learn to handle more.

The point is to get creative with what they can help you with from a younger age, and as they mature, they can begin taking on these tasks on their own.

* Let Them Know What is Expected of Them: this can be done clearly and lovingly. Cleaning involves a lot of self-discipline. Cleaning is something to be completed and it has to be done to a set standard. Guiding kids to doing a good job, letting them know there’s a standard can be a great tool to use in parenting as they grow as a little person.

* Create a Chore Chart: there are lots of variations of chore charts. You can use whatever works best for each child or your family as a whole. Do a little bit of research to find some examples of chore charts.

*Cleaning Teaches Kids to Do a Job Well Done: it’s obvious that kids won’t be pros at cleaning right away. But it’s still great practice for kids. It can be building to their confidence to help them grow and become better cleaners with patient reinforcement and guidance.

*Cleaning Teaches Kids Valuable Skills: even if a child is only five, having them help with chores from around the home is teaching them valuable skill sets they can use later on in life. It teaches them structure, schedules, using their time wisely, and helps them learn new tasks. These little building blocks can be used effectively and

It’s as simple as that! Even if our lovely Maid to Shine cleaning techs come and regularly maintain your home, it’s still a good idea to have the kids help for those in between times!

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